Tuesday 19 August 2008

The Weird (and fab) Weekend

The weitrd weekend was ace, we went expecting loads of blokes in star trek t shirts but actually everyone was very nice and mostly were so clever that my brain felt quite tired.
There were some excellent talks on a variety of subjects but my favourites were the one on the theology of aliens and also the one on sea serpents.
The real highlight was making lots of new friends even though Ronan drank my wine (which to be honest he had bought me in the first place)and everyone else thought i was under the age of 16.
I held a millepide and a scorpion, but not at the same time otherwise they might have had a fight on my hand, and my money would have been on the scorpion as he was rather well armed.
I spent over £100 on books and a smashing t shirt which i intend to wear all the time. And then i proceeded to win another book so we came home in something resembling a travelling library.
On the last night was a dinner at which i got drunk and probably bored everyone silly with an amazing array of my worst jokes, but it was great fun and involved a rather lovely lemon gateau.